2022 · AR filter · Instagram
Warp is an Instagram AR filter that transforms your selfies and videos with distinct distorted effects.
It cuts and pastes your image onto a solid background, distorting specific parts of your face to create a striking visual.
The design combines black-and-white tints of the person with colorful elements, enhanced by a real-time clock stamp.
The filter includes four color preset themes, with the first allowing you to randomize colors with a tap on the screen.
Discover your own perceptions and the emotions they stir with Warp. I'm excited to see what you'll create.
Feel free to tag me in your stories!
Preview link on Instagram.
Warp aims to reflect the emotional state of someone experiencing a distorted perception of the world. By selectively altering features like the eyes or mouth, it symbolizes the impact of what is seen or not said, evoking a state of being voiceless or the difficulty of facing certain truths.
Warp encourages users to explore and express the complexities of their emotions through a visually altered representation.
The Warp filter was created using SPARK AR, a tool for making augmented reality effects.
Below, you can see the SPARK AR interface and how the mask looks while it's being made. The images show the node graph and the tools used in the creation process.
This gives you a peek into the steps taken to develop the Warp filter.